Unfortunately, there are a lot of scary and dangerous things out there in the Minecraft world that want to kill you. So here are some ways to strengthen yourself and your home to prevent that from happening.
- 1 Defense of your home
- 1.1 Passive defenses
- 1.1.1 Wall
- 1.1.2 Pits and trenches
- 1.1.3 Fire
- 1.1 Passive defenses
- 2 Self defense
- 2.1 Environmental
- 2.1.1 Water and lava
- 2.1.2 Sand and gravel
- 2.2 On the road
- 2.3 Tips
- 2.1 Environmental
- 3 Mobs. Know your enemy
Defense of your home
The best defense measures are those that prevent mobs from spawning and prevent them from penetrating near the protected area. All defense systems in Minecraft meet these principles:
- Integrity: All defenses have to completely cover the protected area, that although mobs can enter from any side or angle and being of any type, they cannot break anything.
- Light: A regular lighting system is needed so that hostile mobs cannot spawn within the protected area at night.
- Sustainability: The defenses should work independently of the player's action and, if possible, be able to protect an area indefinitely, either primarily by not destroying the environment (for example, walls) or by renewing automatically.
- Ease of use: The best defense in the world is useless if it kills the owner or friends. A good defense must be safe and easy to use. If you have to press 2 buttons and destroy a block to activate it, it is too complicated. In fact, it is best if it works on its own.
Passive defenses
Passive defenses consist in that, without any type of input or sensory devices, they prevent hostile mobs from entering the protected area. The most common example is walls. The following sections discuss various types of passive fenders, their construction, maintenance, and applicability.
Passive defenses generally fall into one or more categories, ordered by their impact on an aggressive force:
*Retarders: Slow an enemy's progress towards the interior. A torch perimeter is a retarder because it increases the distance mobs must spawn from the structure, thus increasing the time it takes to reach the next layer of defense. Soul Sand are also retarders, as they slow the movement speed of something moving in it.
* Obstacles: They are structures that mobs cannot move and that hinder or impede their passage. The obstacle par excellence is a wall.
*Harmful: Deal damage to an enemy, in addition to simply parrying or slowing them. It could also simply harm the invader but without slowing it down. If a debuff is added to a defense whose primary purpose is not to deal damage, it falls into this category as well. For example, a harmful retarder could be a lava pit; while a damaging obstacle could be a wall of cactus.
It is important to bear in mind that each mob type will perceive each of the defenses differently; For example, a burned-out perimeter of Infied is harmful to most mobs, but does nothing against a zombie pigman. Similarly, a wall is an obstacle for a creeper, but it would be a retarder for a spider (and not very effective, by the way).
Walls are simple vertical barriers and are the most common means of stopping mobs. They can be made of almost any material, with different advantages and disadvantages. They are easy to do, but make sure that:
- Make it at least 3 blocks high:
Since Beta 1.2, spiders can scale walls and fences (and can see you through solid blocks). To prevent it from climbing, you will have to build a wall with a ledge or balconies, especially at the top. These two designs are the most common:
The ledge can be 1 block spaced as spiders require a large 2 block space to climb. If you do the extension with a transparent block, you will get the mobs below, refugees from the Sun, to burn as well.
Also, you can avoid spiders climbing midway by using crystals / iron bars to create a border. Example:
- That they are of the correct material:
Different blocks have different blast strengths. The earthen walls are easily destroyed, while the two-block thick stone will withstand most explosions. Obsidian is explosion proof so you can laugh in creepers faces. For more details, see the article Explosion resistance
- Make them at least 3 blocks wide:
As you have seen, creepers have it easy to destroy your walls. If that happens, you need it to hold out a bit longer and not be left helpless just by an explosion. Making a core out of strong material and surrounding it with a lighter one is a cheap and effective way to achieve that goal. A good idea may also be to dump lava cubes on the inside of the wall, to create a "counterattack" if someone removes the first layer.
- If you make a catcus wall, remember that this is the only way they can be placed:
(Always with a block of sand under them).
- Lighting:
You should especially place it on the top or sides of the wall, unless low visibility is desired (for example, to reduce the chance for other players to notice a camouflaged wall on a PVP server.
Pits and trenches
These obstacles work the same as walls, but underground. The main difference between a pit and a trench is that a pit generally has some liquid inside it.
Dry trenches should be at least 4 blocks deep, as spiders can jump 2-3 blocks. It is recommended that you leave a means of escaping from the trench to the outside, in anticipation of accidentally falling into it.
The pits are most useful, almost always, when they are filled with lava. Water is not that effective. It can be built into a drowning tank to kill mobs, however the downside is that a player has to be close to draw crowds into the water, and the AI makes this difficult to do. But they can serve to slow down mobs, so that they can be an easy target for bows. It can also be done to have water currents push mobs away, but this doesn't work when a mob is actually trying to attack. A lava pit, on the other hand, will kill all the monsters in a short time by itself. They have the added advantage of producing light, making it impossible to spawn nearby mobs without the need for torches. However, it can be laborious to collect large amounts of lava. In addition, a bridge activated by redstone will be necessary so that only you can pass, blocking the mobs. Not to mention that a slip could lead you directly to certain death. Lava should not be used where flammable blocks are nearby, especially trees.
Another form of trench, which is much more compact and requires less space, is a cobweb trench. It only has to be one deep and one wide and the mobs are immobilized in the cobwebs.
The walls and ditches of all kinds can be improved with the burning of infradillo. The base and / or the top can be supplemented with fire, so the mobs must pass through the flames.
Note that by itself, the flaming infradillo is not an effective barrier to high health mobs. They can simply pass through the flames and attack the player before the fire kills them. Combining the cactus barrier with flaming infradrill, it is quite effective.
Depending on how, even the environment can become dangerous. Learning how it works will not only help you defend yourself against its damaging effects, but also use it to your advantage.
Water and lava
When building, make sure nothing brittle like torches and redstone circuits are on the ground in the area. If it gets hit by a stream, those things can break. If you are unlucky, you too can get dragged (maybe into something dangerous) or drown. For much greater care, you can place slabs around any redstone circuits that you do not want to be accidentally flooded, the slabs block the flow of water and do not prevent you from passing. Lava flows slower, but it is much more dangerous, as you and your fire blocks expose you to being burned.
Sand and gravel
Their properties, unique to Minecraft, cause them to be affected by gravity and, therefore, fall to the ground. In general, they are only dangerous in mining. Digging or chipping under the sand / gravel will cause it to fall. If it catches you underneath, it will crush you, suffocating you to death. They are also almost imperceptible in the dark or in low light. It is possible that they are plugging a lava pit, and when they fall they release the entire stream.
The anvil has the same properties, but it is practically impossible to accidentally die from a falling anvil (unless, of course, someone intentionally threw it at you).
In the path
The best defense is to avoid attack. Get rid of the confrontations whenever you can, but if the occasion arises (which will come sooner or later) make sure you are well prepared. If you go on a long expedition, do not forget to bring some torches and a bed in your luggage, also carrying the appropriate weapons and tools.
The nomadic experience section of the "Tutorials" section can serve as a guide in this case.
- As of version 1.9 there are shields. Always carry one with you and when you are outside a shelter, always carry it equipped. It is very useful against accidental explosions of creepers.
- Armor is totally underrated. Even leather armor could save your life.
- Keep at least two swords, a main sword, the best possible, and an emergency one (this one doesn't have to be that good, it's just in case your main sword breaks).
- In the Nether, it is useful to carry a bow and a stack of arrows to defend against the Ghasts. Also, Snowballs will deal 3 (Heart.svg half Heart.svg) points of damage to each Blaze.
- Although many players like to use gold for its color and value, it is not advisable to use gold in armor. It does not have very good defensive qualities, despite being more durable than leather ones, and therefore rapidly diminishes.
Mobs. Know your enemy
Sometimes a safe haven is not enough. You have to go into action, fight. But before facing all the hordes of mobs, take into account some tips (weak points) to know how to better deal with them. It is advised to change the difficulty, when you need it.
The zombie is the easiest hostile creature to kill. It will walk towards you slowly and burn in the daylight. However, zombies can break through wooden doors if you are on hard mode.
Get close to the zombie and let it go to you. Once he's two blocks away, critically hit him (jump and hit). You don't need to back off after hitting it as it is very slow. Repeat this step until you have killed him. Search the surroundings to make sure there are no more creatures. Be careful because every time you hit a zombie, there is a chance that another will appear in the vicinity. Collect experience and any items it drops, such as rotten meat. It is recommended that you do not eat the rotten meat (unless you cannot get another type of food) because you may have a poisoning. If you do become intoxicated, stay in one place until the effect wears off to prevent your hunger bar from dropping. However, zombie meat is healthy for your dogs.
If you are fighting multiple zombies at the same time, run towards them and then left click. Doing so will launch them several blocks away. Also, if a zombie concentrates on you, it won't attack a tamed wolf while a tamed wolf does.
The spider is much more dangerous than the zombie, despite having slightly fewer hit points. It can scale walls and jump while attacking you. During the day, she goes into passive mode unless you attack her. It doesn't fit into 1x1 squares, so you can use it as a trench.
Let the spider come to you. Instead of approaching as you normally would, start running and hitting her to make her back off. Go ahead and continue by left clicking in the general direction of the spider. It may hurt you a little. However, you can also run again to hit her and then critically hit her.
Look around to make sure there are no other creatures nearby. Collect experience and any object (s) it drops, such as string or spider eyes. You will need to ferment the spider eye and use it in making potions or you can eat it in case of an emergency. It will poison you for 4 seconds, but it will not decrease your health by more than half a heart, it will also regenerate if your hunger bar is full.
Cave spider
Cave spiders are poisonous creatures that appear only in generators located in abandoned mines. Cave spiders are smaller than normal spiders and their color is blue. Normal spiders are black or dark brown in color, larger in size, and venom free. Please note that skeletons cannot ride these cave spiders.
Be careful with the gaps. Cave spiders are much smaller than normal spiders and can fit into any hole that a spider will fit in, although they are half a block high. This makes them much more difficult to contain and fight on your own. Cave spiders can also follow you through solid walls, so it's difficult to ambush them.
Cure yourself from poisonous attacks. Unlike regular spiders, cave spiders have a poisonous bite. If you poison yourself, your health will decline until you only have half a heart. You can cure the poison by drinking milk, although it may take a while. Try to drink it between battles.
Smother the spiders. Cave spiders can hold their breath for 16 seconds, then die after another 6. If you can flood or bury spiders, you can kill them relatively easily.
Destroy the creature generator. Cave spiders (like any mob) appear only in creature spawners, so destroying them will prevent more from spawning.
Be careful of cobwebs. Creature generators are usually surrounded by cobwebs. Such cobwebs will slow you down but will not affect the movement of the cave spiders. Use a sword to destroy them.
The skeletons have bows with which they will shoot you. It's pretty easy to dodge arrows when you're at a great distance, but it gets harder the closer you get. As with zombies, skeletons will burn if they come in contact with direct sunlight.
If possible, shoot him with your bow. Otherwise, run to him and critically hit him. Remember, skeletons are capable of hitting a player in a straight line, so running in circles (around them) can be a good option. Attack quickly. Try to block (right click) the arrows when you are close, as the chances of avoiding them when you are stationary are very low. Try to determine how long it will shoot based on how fast it shot previously.
Widely regarded as the most dangerous mob in Minecraft - its AI navigation is very good and it will explode when you get too close, damaging any nearby structures as well. It is not affected by daylight. It also does not make noise when walking and also has a camouflage that makes it a very dangerous creature.
If you have a bow, use it to kill the creeper. If not, hit him with a sword and quickly back away. Repeat this step. If the creeper starts to flash and grow, stay away until it stops or explodes. If it starts to swell to explode, you have 1,5 seconds to get out of its explosive radius, keep in mind that creepers can detect you and start to explode from 5 blocks away, even if there is a low wall or fence keeping them away. If you kill him (before he explodes himself), collect experience and items that he drops like wildfire.
There is also the overloaded creeper. When lightning strikes a creeper, a blue aura appears around it. When it explodes, its power is double that of a normal creeper. The way to kill him is the same as for the latter.
Cats are a good defense. Creepers run away from any cat that is 30 blocks away. It would stop following you even if you hit it, so it's a good idea to put jacks around its base.
Arachnid rider
The arachnid rider is an extremely dangerous creature. It is created when a skeleton rides a spider. You should avoid these creatures as they don't drop any special items other than those dropped by spiders and skeletons. When a spider appears, there is a 1% chance that it is a spider rider.
You must combine your skeleton and spider defensive strategies. Attack the skeleton first. Try running and hitting and then blocking immediately. Once you have killed the skeleton, attack the spider. Kill the spider using the aforementioned method. Collect the experience and the objects that he has left. If the spider rider climbs one of the walls of your house, kill the spider first and then the skeleton will fall taking damage. If he hasn't died yet, kill him as you would any other skeleton.
The endermans are 3 blocks tall and black in color. They can teleport and deal a great deal of damage. However, they are very weak against any liquid and will generally die in the rain.
Look for the enderman. Do not make eye contact with him (pass your point of view just below the torso). There are three ways to kill him:
1. Run to him. Jump up, critically hit it, and repeat the process. If it teleports, look for the particle trail and it will lead you to where it is, which is probably behind you. Repeat this step until it is killed.
- If you don't have good armor, get some tamed wolves (at least five). Land the first critical hit and let the wolves do the rest. Feed them after the battle, as they will likely be injured from the enderman's attack.
- Attacking the enderman's feet will not cause him to teleport.
2. Stand in the water and stare at it. The enderman will teleport towards you, but will take damage from the water and will teleport backwards again. Repeat this process until it is dead.
3. Build a structure 2 blocks high and attack it. The enderman won't be able to reach you, so you won't take any damage (it's a good idea to slap your back against a wall so it can't surprise you from behind). You can also build a pillar 4 blocks high and you will be in range to attack him but without him being able to attack you since you will not be in his attack range (remember that he can still teleport). Beware of spiders and skeletons, as they could knock you off the pole.
Collect the experience and if you are lucky you will drop the pearl of enderman. To increase that chance, use a sword with the Loot enchantment.
Please note: Do not try to shoot arrows at him, he will always manage to dodge them by teleporting.
The slime will only appear in low-lying areas or in the swamp biome. Finding one is very rare if you are just starting to play.
Get close to the slime and land several critical hits. Be careful when killing the big ones as they will split up. Once you've killed the slime, back off a bit. Each one is divided into smaller ones. They usually appear in their large slime form. They do moderate damage. Upon death, it will split into 2 medium slimes. Medium slimes deal light damage and will split into 4 small slimes. The little ones do not hurt and when they die, they drop balls of slime. If you come across one, a normal sword blow will be enough to kill it, although it is recommended to do it with your fists, because they are very weak and would be an expense in the durability of your weapon.
Silverfish is a small creature found in the portal room of the three fortresses. It appears in the blocks that the player excavates. If you break this block, it will emerge and attack you, as well as all the other silverfish around it as you keep fighting.
To check if a block contains silverfish, use your fists to hit the block. If it seems to break too fast, stop, because it means there is a silverfish there. If nothing happens, it means that you are safe. If you come across one, put dynamite next to it and blow it up. This method ensures that it will not come out.
In case you are faced with a swarm of silverfish, you have four options. Of course, you can try to kill them with an iron or diamond sword, but since they are small and fast, it is not recommended if you are an inexperienced player: 1. Run. Don't stop until you are at a reasonable distance. Block the path you came from with dirt and then come back later. 2. Go to high ground (at least two blocks high) and place lava underneath you. The lava will kill the silverfish that are chasing you. If you don't have lava, take on them normally with a sword or bow. 3. Go up one of the many stairs in the fortress and pour a bucket of water to get rid of them. They will drift away because of the current. 4. DO NOT use potions, as that will cause the swarm to attack you.
Zombie Pig Man
Zombie Pigman is a creature found in the Netherworld. He travels in groups carrying menacing golden swords and is neutral until attacked. If you attack one, all the zombie pigmen in a perimeter of 16 blocks around you will attack you. Within a radius of another 16 blocks they will be aggressive. Note that they can also appear in the main world, in cases where lightning strikes a pig or exiting the portals that lead to the Underworld. However, this almost never happens. Zombie Pigmen run faster than you, so get ready to do it too! (If you are a new player, to run you must press the "W" key twice).
Look around you and determine the position of everyone around you. Attack with a critical hit and try to fight using third person vision. Stand aside from the pig man. Try not to run around, because you will attract more of them. Watch where you're going, as one wrong step can cause you to fall into lava, while Zombie Pigmen are immune to lava. Don't let them surround you either. Run and hit everyone around. Generally, a level 2 Thrust enchanted sword is the most suitable, as if you run too far, they will surround you. Move the pig man in circles while you hit him. Don't stray too far, as you could attract more.
Collect experience and any items that have fallen, such as rotten meat or a gold nugget.
Ghasts are creatures that fly around the Underworld. They resemble large floating squids and will attack the player by throwing explosive fireballs (igneous charge) at them. They used to do very limited damage, but now they can kill with a few hits. Their attack range is massive and they can see you 100 blocks away.
Aim for the tentacles. For whatever reason, the arrows in the face will simply pierce through your body. It has 10 health points, but killing it could be tricky because it can attack from 16 blocks away, making it a difficult creature to hit. You can dodge the fireball or hit it to deflect it. Fireballs are easy to deflect and you can kill a ghast by hitting them with them (note that you can also return them to them using your bow). But don't count on that happening, so keep using your bow as your primary weapon.
Since ghasts can fly, you will need to build bridges to collect dropped items (gunpowder and ghast tears) and experience. In addition, it is a good option to build them with rock, since curiously the explosions of these creatures cannot destroy this material.
Please note: If you are permanently trapped in the Nether, without a lighter to relight the portal, an Fiery Charge from Ghast can be used to reignite the portal.
Blazes are another creature that inhabits the Underworld. They are normally found in the Underworld strongholds next to their generators. It is very difficult to fight them. Additionally, they can fly and shoot fireballs in series of three. Unlike ghast fireballs, these cannot be deflected. Blazes are usually hunted to obtain the blaze rod, which are used to create an enderman eye, they also drop blaze powder, potion support, and magma cream.
Enchant your bow. If you want the combat to be fast, this step is practically mandatory. Using a bow is one of the easiest ways to kill a blaze, considering it can fly. Also get some snowballs. You can store the snowballs in the form of snow blocks, which is a good idea and will also save you time.
If you have a potion holder, you can brew fire resistance potions, which will make you invulnerable to blaze fire attacks (and lava). You can find the recipes and instructions for making potions in the Potion article.
Once you've reached the generator, build a small 3-block high wall made of rock. It does not need to be very long, but it should have a small roof. Start charging your bow. Do not attempt to shoot the blaze until you have fully charged the bow. Quickly move from the wall with your bow fully charged and shoot the blaze. Make sure you are near the end of the wall so that you can hide quickly. If the blaze is waiting for you on the "safe" side, kill it with snowballs. Repeat this step until you have killed all the blazes.
Slime magmático
Magmatic slime is very similar to normal slime, but it is red and lava can be seen inside when it jumps. Try to stay at least 5 blocks away. He attacks preferably with a bow, failing that he attacks carefully with a sword. Kill the smallest that come out when the largest die. Unlike the small slime, the small magmatic slimes will attack you.
Esqueleto wither
Build 2-block-high shelters in an Underworld fortress. Wither skeletons are 3 blocks high, so unlike them, you can walk under these beams. When a Wither skeleton approaches, it will see you and will come towards you. When he stops on a beam, go to him and beat him until he dies. Pick up the objects that he drops. Usually drops bones or coal and occasionally a stone sword. On very rare occasions you will get a Wither Skeleton Skull, which is used to summon a Wither.
When a Wither appears, it will recharge energy and explode. After that, it will fly to a great height. Shoot arrows at the head or body. When the life of the Wither has been reduced by half, it will cover itself with a kind of shiny white shell. This means that he no longer takes damage from arrows. In this state, the Wither will not fly as high as it did before and all you have to do is kill it using your sword. After killing him, he will drop an Underworld star, which you can use to make a beacon.
Please note: Watch out for the wither heads you shoot. When they touch the ground they explode, and all the life they take from you, the Wither will regenerate
Dragon of the end
Get ready. Get a diamond armor and charm it the best you can. Also get a diamond sword and charm it. Use a bow, with a minimum of 64 arrows. Also get golden apples. From version 1.9 you will also need a diamond pickaxe, 2 stacks of 64 solid blocks and some water buckets.
Go directly attacking the dragon, it is useless. Its life is regenerated with crystals located on the top of each obsidian pillar. Use your bow to shoot the crystals. As of version 1.9, these crystals will be covered with an iron cage, so you will have to escape the obsidian pillars. To do this, build a post out of solid blocks. Once at the top, destroy the cage with your pickaxe and the crystal with your bow (you must destroy the crystal from a distance, because it explodes).
Once you have destroyed all the crystals, go to the empty base stone fountain (where the portal and egg pedestal will appear). Starting at 1.9, the dragon will rush to the pedestal or portal and spit dragon breath. He could also attack you with Ender's Acid Balls. You can collect the dragon's breath with glass bottles and later make special potions called "lingering potion".
Aim at his eyes and kill him with your sword. Repeat these steps until it is dead. When you die, it will explode and give you a large amount of experience that you must collect.
- Feed the tamed wolves you bring to the end of the battle. Keep in mind that you can do it with rotten meat.
- To fight the ghasts, return the fireballs they throw at you.
- Skeletons can't shoot you at a meter or less because arrows appear from that distance.
- Wearing armor will help.
- You need to enchant your weapons!
- Always keep your hunger bar above 17 in order to regain your hit points.
- If you wear a pumpkin on your head, the endermans will not attack you even when you look at their upper body.
- Carry multiple swords in case one breaks.
- Cave spiders can poison you, so you can use milk as an antidote. These creatures only inhabit abandoned mines.
- If you are attacked by multiple creatures at once, dig a hole 3 blocks deep, place one on top, and stay there until dawn. * You can also build a 3x2 block hut and break the bottom block. This way you can see the creatures' feet and kill them without hurting you. Sometimes the creatures will get bored and leave.
- Snow golems can only damage other snow golems or blazes.
- Never go out without your armor. If you're just starting out, get it as soon as possible.
- Do not carry wolves or fight creepers while you have third person vision, as it will usually cause something bad to happen.
- Don't use projectiles (except for a fishing pole) to fight the endermans!
To create a totally safe refuge, some rules must be followed: 1-if possible, build in high places such as mountains, also the mobs will not be able to reach your refuge and you will have great visibility of the area. 2-illuminate your shelter and the surroundings in order to obtain a zone free of hostile mobs, also do not forget to illuminate the roof from the outside because normally if it is not illuminated they will spawn hostile mobs on top. 3-make a fence or stone wall around your shelter to protect it from monsters and you will also protect the crops from mobs. 4-it is a very good idea that your shelter has a roof to shoot or monitor nearby monsters. 5-Build iron and snow golems: they will not only watch over your house but they will also annihilate any hostile mob that approaches it. 6-If possible, build a pit 2 blocks deep around your house to trap monsters such as zombies or skeletons, as they will burn in daylight.
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