Health Points |
100 ( |
Behavior |
Neutral (only if the player has -14 popularity points in a village, or is generated with a command) |
Size |
In Java Edition: A Bedrock Edition: |
Speed |
0.25 |
Attack force |
The creatures:
0 (
4.75 (
7.5 (
11.25 ( |
Generation |
Usable object |
Network id |
99 |
ID del savegame |
Iron monster |
Un iron Golem it is a neutral creature that defends players and villagers.
- 1th generation
- 2 Loot
- 3 Behavior
- 3.1 Attack
- 3.1.1 Provocation by players
- 3.1.2 Taunt by hostile creatures
- 3.2 Being attacked
- 3.3 Cracking
- 3.4 Healing
- 3.1 Attack
- 4 Preferred path
- 4.1 climb
- 5 Sounds
- 6 Data values
- 6.1 ID
- 6.2 Entity data
- 7 Achievements
- 8 Progress
- 9 History
- 10 Errors
- 11 Curiosities
- 12
- 12.1 Captures
- 12.2 On other networks
- 13
In Java Edition, villagers can spawn iron golems, either while talking or panicking. When a villager attempts to summon a golem, up to 10 attempts are made to spawn a golem in a 16 × 13 × 16 area centered on the villager (villager position block + 7 / −8 blocks along x-axes / zy + 6 / −6 blocks along the y-axis). A random column is selected and the highest air, water or lava block in the column that has a solid-blocking block underneath, or the block at y = + 6 if no block in the column meets the mentioned characteristics. . Then it is checked if the obtained location has a block underneath with a solid upper surface (which is different from "solid-blocking"). The chosen block cannot be a complete block, nor can it be redstone activated, nor can it be a rail, and the top two blocks must not be water or complete blocks. This means that the iron golem can be spawned with its feet in water or on blocks such as flagstones, fences, and carpets (if the other checks pass). Adjacent blocks are irrelevant, so golems can partially spawn within adjacent blocks. [1] However, the spawned golem must not be colliding with any existing entities.
In Bedrock Edition, an Iron Golem can spawn when a village spawns for the first time in the world. Iron golems also spawn in villages with at least 20 beds and 10 villagers. The golem attempts to spawn in a 16 × 6 × 16 volume around the center of the village, defined by a bed, a bell, or some other meeting point. For the village to spawn golems, 75% of the village villagers must have worked in the last day, 100% of the villagers must have a bed, and a player must be 80 blocks or less horizontally and 44 blocks or less. less vertically. The probability of an attempt to spawn the golem is 1⁄700 per game tick, which on average would be once every 35 seconds. Iron golems can be spawned given a 2 × 4 × 2 space above the spawn point (horizontally centered on the northwest corner of the block it spawns in) containing only non-complete blocks, and the block it spawns it must be solid. If the original village golem is killed, a new golem cannot be spawned unless all conditions are met; so in small villages no golems are spawned unless the village is expanded.
Iron golems are created by placing four iron blocks in the shape of a T (as seen in the picture), and then placing a carved pumpkin, illuminated pumpkin, or a normal pumpkin [BE Only] on the top center block. The pumpkin can be placed by a player, a dispenser, or an enderman, but must be placed after the iron. It needs at least one block of space around the lower iron block to spawn and cannot spawn in a confined area, even grass can prevent a golem from spawning. Alternatively, the blocks can be placed in any order with an uncarved pumpkin and the player can carve the pumpkin to spawn the golem. Once summoned, it is naturally passive towards all players under all circumstances. It can, however, attack wolves trained by players, if it is hit by one of them, but it will never attack the player directly. The built golem attacks hostile creatures just like naturally generated golems.
The configuration of the blocks can be standing, lying down, or upside down. The four empty spaces in the diagram (above and below each arm) must be air blocks. Any non-air blocks (including blocks such as layers of snow, grass, and water) present in any of the empty spaces will prevent the golem from spawning.
In Java Edition, the player can place a pumpkin on the four iron blocks, and then carve the pumpkin. The golem continues to spawn as usual.
Like other built creatures, golems always spawn facing south. Their large size can cause them to take suffocation damage from solid blocks close to head height.
Main article: Tutorials / Defeating a pillager outpost

An iron golem found inside one of the cells surrounding an outpost.
Iron golems can also be found around outposts, confined within dark oak cells. When released, they can assist the player by attacking any nearby looters. Raiders will not attempt to attack golems in their cells, although the golem can attack any raider within one block of the cell, as golems can attack through one-block walls.
See also: Tutorials / Iron golem farming
Upon death, iron golems release:
- 3–5 Iron Ingots
- 0–2 Poppies
Killing a golem with a weapon with the Loot enchantment has no effect on the number of items dropped. Trade prices are not affected by killing golems; however, the popularity of the Village decreases by 5 points [BE only], affecting the behavior of the village golem if the popularity is below -15.

An iron golem offering a poppy.
Iron golems roam the village on patrol, staying close to buildings and other structures. Like villagers, golems do not roam outside the village, no matter how they spawned, but will sometimes stand on the edge of the village. An iron golem sometimes looks at a villager as if they are conversing. Iron golems can generate poppies in their hands and offer them to villagers, symbolizing the friendly relationship between villagers and golems. The baby villagers accept the poppy offered by the golem, [Bedrock Edition only] [2]
In Bedrock Edition, the iron golems completely ignore the villagers, pushing them aside if they get in their way.
If not in a village, iron golems slowly roam the area attacking hostile creatures, usually heading for a nearby village if there is one.
Iron golems can walk up to a block high without jumping and walk over holes a block wide without falling into them. They avoid water, lava, fire, and cacti. Iron Golems are immune to both drowning damage and falling damage. In water, they sink, but can still move freely.
In Java Edition, when a golem's health is reduced to 75%, cracks appear on the golem's surface; at 50% more cracks appear; and 25% appear even more. A player can heal an iron golem for 25 health points by right-clicking it with an iron ingot.
Like all utilitarian creatures, golems can be tethered with reins. A bound golem does not attempt to break free when it sees a hostile creature. Instead, watch the creature as it moves. The bound iron golems move their arms and legs while moving if they are in midair. If a golem is tied to a fence, it attacks the hostile creature but does not follow it if it goes out of attack range, as it cannot free itself from the rein.
In Java Edition, when a golem moves when provoked, they look as if they are striding towards the creature or player. Golems that are not provoked are slower in Java Edition. Golems move faster in Bedrock Edition, as they move at their normal walking speed, whether provoked or not.
Iron golems cannot take items or armor, but the player can use NBT commands in Java Edition to give the golem weapons or armor.
When attacking, the iron golem quickly moves towards its target and swings its arms up violently when attacking, throwing its target into the air, and dealing 7 () a
21 (
10.5 ×) points of damage on Normal difficulty. Iron golems have a large attack range, allowing them to attack through solid walls a block thick, even without seeing their target. When a golem attacks, it also exerts a great push. When a golem attacks, it cannot hit creatures or players four blocks or more above the ground level the golem is standing on.
It is possible for multiple golems to attack the same target at the same time, launching the victim at a height proportional to the number of golems that attacked.
If a golem is facing a group of, say, zombies, it targets one to attack until it dies before attacking a different zombie, even when the other zombies are attacking at the same time. The Iron Golem attacks hostile creatures that attack it in order.
If the creature is thrown out of vision, the iron golem attacks the next creature to attack it. Sometimes the golem could attack the nearest hostile creature if there is a group of them.
When the Iron Golem kills any creature, the player can obtain the items dropped by that creature, but no experience orb. Golems that kill a raider in Bedrock Edition also cause them to drop their loot, even if they were not attacked by a player before dying.
Golems never attack each other, as they cannot "accidentally" hit each other while attacking.
Provocation by players
A player-built iron golem never attacks the player who built it, even when the player hits it or hits another golem or villager in front of the built golem. Constructed golems do not attack the player even if the player has a Popularity of -15 or less. A constructed golem does not attack the player who summoned it, but can attack other players if provoked. A built golem will attack a player's tamed wolves if they attack the golem.
A naturally generated golem becomes hostile towards a player if the player attacks a villager near a golem. Also, if a player has -15 popularity points or less in a village, naturally spawned golems become hostile towards the player until their popularity goes above -15.
A golem in a village will retaliate against a player if they attack it (even throwing an ender pearl at a golem causes it). If a village has two naturally spawned golems and a player attacks one in front of the other, they may both become hostile to the player.
Throwing a positive throwing potion or positive lingering potion at a golem will not make them angry.
Provocation by hostile creatures
While they are the guardians of villages, iron golems are not provoked when villagers are attacked by a hostile creature (as opposed to when a player attacks a villager). They are triggered by being attacked by hostile creatures, and are triggered by the presence of certain creatures within a 16 block radius (see table below). Even if a witch accidentally casts a healing potion at an iron golem during an invasion, this does not stop the golem from attacking the witch. Iron golems are ineffective against hostile flying creatures that don't venture close to golem range, such as ghosts.
The list below contains all creatures including players. The Iron Golem also attacks neutral creatures or creatures that are hostile only towards the player such as piglins or zombified piglins.
Entity | Does the iron golem attack the creature upon seeing it? | Does it attack the iron golem when it sees it? | |
Axolotl | No | No | |
Bee | No | No | |
Blaze | N/A | When attacked | They attack the Iron Golem when it attacks them. |
Poultry rider | N/A | N/A | A baby zombie riding a hen attacks iron golems. If a zombified piglin is riding a chicken, the zombified piglin attacks the golem only if the golem attacks first. By attacking the zombified piglin, the golem taunts other zombified piglins. If the golem attacks another zombified piglin, the baby zombified piglin will also attack the golem. |
Creeper | No | No | Creepers explode when lit with a lighter, when shot by a skeleton, or when attacked by a player. Iron golems do not attack creepers although a nearby explosion can damage the golem. |
Dolphin | No | No | Dolphins are neutral toward the player, but passive toward the golem. |
Drowned | N/A | N/A | Drowned attacks iron golems like they attack villagers. They do not attack iron golems during daytime if they are not in a water block. |
Ender dragon | N/A | No | When in near vicinity, iron golems try to attack the ender dragon, although they are rarely able to. The ender dragon does not target iron golems, but may still hit them by accident.Verify |
Enderman | N/A | When attacked | Endermen attacked by the iron golem retaliate, following their normal neutral behavior. The enderman do not attack iron golems if the iron golem looks at the enderman. |
Endermite | N/A | When attacked | A group of endermites attack as a group if the golem attacks one of the endermites in the group. |
Ghast | Partial | No | Iron golems almost never attack ghasts, but if close, and the ghast is not moving too much, the golem can attack ghasts. However, iron golems do not seek or approach any ghast outside its range. |
Giant [unused mob] [Solo JE] | N/A | No | Giants can't move or attack. |
Glow squid | No | No | |
Goat | When attacked | Randomly | Goats may randomly attack iron golems. If the golem is attacked by the goat, the golem retaliates. |
Guardian Elder Guardian |
N/A | No | Guardians and elder guardians completely ignore iron golems, even when attacked. |
Hoglin | N/A | When attacked, group retaliates | They attack if an iron golem attacks one hoglin, although group does not retaliate if babies are attacked. |
Iron Golem | No | No | Iron golems never attack each other. Iron golems cannot hit each other by accident because they use melee attacks. |
Killer Bunny [unused mob] | No | No | Killer bunnies attack only the player. |
Llama Trader Llama | When attacked | Accidentally | An iron golem attacks a llama that accidentally hits the golem with its spit. After being hit by the golem, the llama deliberately attacks the golem. |
Magma Cube | N/A | N/A | Attacks big, medium, and small-sized magma cubes. Big and medium-sized magma cubes attack iron golems, but small-sized magma cubes are unable to deal any damage to iron golems. En Bedrock Edition, magma cubes completely ignore iron golems, but the golem still kills them. |
Panda | No | No | |
Polar Bear | No | No | |
Phantom | N/A | No | |
Piglin | N/A | When attacked, group retaliates | Piglins attack iron golems only if the iron golem attacks one piglin, or piglin brute. Iron golems attack baby piglins despite them being passive. |
Piglin Brute | N/A | When attacked, group retaliates | Piglin Brutes attack iron golems only if an iron golem attacks a piglin or piglin brute. |
Player | When attacked Yes (natural if a player has -15 popularity or lower in a village) No (player-built, and in Peaceful difficulty) |
At player's discretion | A naturally-spawned iron golem or commands-spawned iron golem attacks the player if the player attacks it while playing in the adventure and survival modes (it does not attack the player in creative or spectator mode). A naturally-spawned iron golem can also attack any nearby player who has -15 or lower popularity in a village. Iron golems created by the player do not attack the player under any circumstances. |
Pufferfish | When attacked | Defensive | Iron golems attack pufferfish if damaged by the pufferfish's defense. |
Shulker | N/A | When attacked | They attack if an iron golem attacks one shulker.Verify |
Silverfish | N/A | Yes[Solo BE] Partial [Solo JE] |
en Java Edition, they attack if the iron golem attacks one silverfish. Silverfish always attack iron golems en Bedrock Edition. |
Skeleton Stray Wither Skeleton |
N/A | N/A | Wither skeletons attack iron golems on sight, unlike zombified piglins. |
Skeleton HorseZombie Horse | No | No | Iron golems attack the rider of a Skeleton Horseman, but not the horse. |
Slime | N/A | Partial | Slimes chase iron golems, but do not attack. Iron golems attack slimes despite them not attacking the golem. |
Snow Golem | When attacked | Accidentally | The iron golem retaliates when a snow golem accidentally hits it with a snowball. |
Spider Cave Spider | N/A | N/A | |
Strider Jockey | Partial | Partial | Iron golems attack only the zombified piglin of a strider jockey, not the strider. The zombified piglin attacks the iron golem if another zombified piglin is attacked by the golem or if attacked. When the zombified piglin is angry at the golem, the strider moves toward the golem. |
Vex | N/A | Partial | It attacks the iron golem rarely when the vex is nearby by the iron golem. It attacks immediately when an evoker summons three vexes. |
Villager | No | No | Iron golems' main objective is to protect villagers, not to kill them. |
Evoker Illusions [unused mob] [Solo Java Edition] Pillager Ravager Vindicator | N/A | N/A | Iron golems attack unarmed pillagers, despite them being passive in Java Edition. All other illagers attack the iron golem on sight and the iron golem also attacks them on sight. |
Witch | N/A | Yes[Solo BE] Partial [Solo JE] |
Attack iron golems if patrolling in an illager patrol or iron golem attacking one witch. The witch throws splash potions of Poison or Harming when an iron golem attacks the witch.[Solo JE] Witches always attack iron golems en Bedrock Edition. |
Wither | N/A | N/A | Iron golems always attack withers, even when the wither is generating health after being summoned, while the golem attacks do no damage to the wither. |
Wolf (untamed) | No | No | |
Wolf (tamed) | When attacked | In defense of owner | Tamed wolves attack the iron golem if it attacks its owner, or the owner attacks the golem. When attacked by the wolf, the golem retaliates. The player-built iron golem attacks the player's wolves if attacked by the wolf. |
Zombie Remember Zombie Villager | N/A | N/A | The zombie and its variants attack iron golems like they attack villagers. |
Zombified Piglin | N/A | When attacked, group retaliates | They attack if an iron golem attacks one zombified piglin. |
Zoglin | N/A | N/A | Unlike hoglins, a group does not attack the golem if the golem attacks one zoglin. |
All other mobs | No | No |

A golem looks down at a desert zombie, but cannot attack it.
A naturally generated iron golem knows the location of invading Maldese through solid walls and from below the ground and attempts to move towards them. A player-created or commando-summoned Iron Golem cannot detect villains through obstructions. Golems also look down or up if target creature is down or on top of the golem.
Being attacked
Zombies (and their variants), zoglins, skeletons (and their variants), spiders, cave spiders, slimes, magma cubes, withers, and evildoers naturally attack golems they see and can cause greater damage, especially if the creatures They attack in groups. In Bedrock Edition, silverfish and witches can also attack him naturally.
In Java Edition, iron golems have 100% resistance to knockback from normal attacks. They can still be knocked back by the Thrust on Swords and Knockback enchantments. In Bedrock Edition, Pushback and Knockback enchantments have no effect on golems.

Iron golems have different cracking states to show their life. When your life is above 75 ( × 37.5), there is no crack. When your life is between 51 (
× 25.5) and 75 (
× 37.5), some cracks appear. When your life is between 26 (
× 13) and 51 (
× 25.5), they look even more cracked. When your life is below 26 (
× 13), many cracks are visible.
Without deteriorating
More than 75% of remaining life -
Low deterioration
More than 50% but not more than 75% of the remaining life -
Average deterioration
More than 25% but not more than 50% of the remaining life -
Strong deterioration
No more than 25% of remaining life

In Java Edition, using an iron ingot on an iron golem increases its life by 25 ( × 12.5). [3]
Preferred path

Like villagers, golems in Bedrock Edition use a pathfinding trajectory that prioritizes walking on certain "low-cost" blocks over others.
Preferred road blocks | Block cost |
Grass path Smooth Sandstone |
0 |
Rock Stone |
1 |
Bed Lectern |
50 |
Others | 1.5 |
Jump cost | 5 |
Golems will attempt to walk one block thick paths, despite the fact that they are two blocks wide. The golem will prefer to use a wider path if it sees it.
Golems can climb ladders and vines if they are in their path, or if they are pushed onto a ladder or creeper.
Sound | Subheadline | Source | Description | Object ID | Translation key | Volume | Tone | Distance from attenuation |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_step1.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_step2.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_step3.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_step4.ogg | Footsteps | Friendly Creatures | ? | entity.iron_golem.step | subtitles.block.generic.footsteps | 1.0 | 1.0 | 16 |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_damage1.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_damage2.ogg | Iron Golem breaks | Friendly Creatures | ? | entity.iron_golem.damage | subtitles.entity.iron_golem.damage | 0.8 | Zones | 16 |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_death.ogg | Iron golem dies | Friendly Creatures | ? | entity.iron_golem.death | subtitles.entity.iron_golem.death | 1.0 | 1.0 | 16 |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_hurt1.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_hurt2.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_hurt3.ogghttp://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_hurt4.ogg | Iron Golem hurts | Friendly Creatures | ? | entity.iron_golem.hurt | subtitles.entity.iron_golem.hurt | 1.0 | 1.0 | 16 |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_repair.ogg | Iron Golem repaired | Friendly Creatures | ? | entity.iron_golem.repair | subtitles.entity.iron_golem.repair | 1.0 | 1.0 | 16 |
http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/File:Iron_golem_throw.ogg | Iron Golem attacks | Friendly Creatures | ? | entity.iron_golem.attack | subtitles.entity.iron_golem.attack | 1.0 | 1.0 | 16 |
Data values
Java Edition:
Name | ID with namespace | Translation key |
Iron Golem | iron_golem | entity.minecraft.iron_golem |
Bedrock Edition:
Entity data
See also: Chunk formatIron golems have entity data associated with them that contains different properties.
Iron Golem / ED
Icon | Achievements | In-game description | Actual requirements (if they differ) | Player score obtained | Trophy Type (PS) | |
![]() | Body Guard | Create an Iron Golem | — | 20G | Bronze |
[[MCbug:Template:Load advancements: Unknown advancement. Advancement title not found on page Progresos|MC-Template:Load advancements: Unknown advancement. Advancement title not found on page Progresos]]
Java Edition | |||||
1.2.1 | 12w08a | 32px Iron golems have been added. | |||
One golem can spawn in one village for every 16 villagers. | |||||
1.2-pre | Mechanical sounds and stomping have been added for the Iron Golem. | ||||
1.4.2 | 12w32a | Iron golems now attack slimes and magma cubes. | |||
? | One golem can spawn for every 10 villagers in a village. | ||||
1.7.2 | 13w36a | Since roses were replaced by poppies, golems now drop poppies. | |||
1.8 | 14w03a | Golems now only drop iron ingots when the player kills them, either through combat, potions, or player-activated mechanisms such as manually activated dynamite. If he is killed without player intervention, they only drop poppies. | |||
14w04a | The previous change was reversed; golems will always drop iron ingots again. | ||||
Iron Golems can now be spawned by dispensing a pumpkin onto the Iron Frame to summon them. | |||||
14w25a | Iron golems can now be built lying down or upside down instead of just standing up. | ||||
14w26c | Light up pumpkins can no longer be used to build golems. | ||||
14w33a | Zombies, skeletons, spiders, cave spiders, slimes, magma cubes, and blazes now attack golems, with no prior provocation required. | ||||
1.8.1 | pre1 | Illuminated pumpkins can now be used to summon golems again. | |||
Creepers no longer attack golems. | |||||
1.9 | 15w39a | Golems now have a slightly lower hitbox (2.7 blocks high instead of the 2.9 blocks they used to be). | |||
15w46a | Golems now spawn with 100% pushback resistance. | ||||
1.11 | 16w32a | Iron golem entity ID changed from VillagerGolem to villager_golem. | |||
1.13 | 17w47a | Now golems can also use a carved pumpkin to be crafted. | |||
pre5 | Iron golem entity ID changed from villager_golem to iron_golem. | ||||
1.14 | 18w43a | ![]() | |||
18w47a | Iron Golems now spawn in cells next to Outposts. | ||||
19w08a | A single Iron Golem is now always spawned as part of each village. | ||||
![]() | |||||
1.14.3 | pre1 | Panicked Villagers now have a higher chance to spawn Iron Golems. | |||
1.15 | 19w41a | ![]() ![]() ![]() | |||
Iron Golems can now be healed with Iron Ingots. | |||||
19w44a | Iron Golem damage is now based on the ratio of current health to maximum health. | ||||
1.16 | 20w19a | Villagers can spawn golems regardless of their profession status or the last hour they worked (allowing jobless villagers to spawn golems). | |||
Pocket Edition Alpha | |||||
v0.12.1 | build 1 | 32px Iron golems have been added. | |||
v0.16.0 | build 4 | Iron Golems now damage players in Pacific. | |||
Pocket Edition | |||||
1.0.0 | alpha | Iron Golems no longer attack players on Peaceful Difficulty. | |||
1.1.0 | alpha | Iron golem entity ID changed from irongolem to iron_golem. | |||
Bedrock Edition | |||||
1.10.0 | beta | ![]() | |||
Iron Golems now spawn in cells next to Outposts. | |||||
1.11.0 | beta | A single Iron Golem is now always spawned as part of each village. | |||
1.16.100 | beta | Iron golems now attack hoglins. | |||
? | Iron golems attack zoglins immediately rather than waiting for the zoglin to attack first. [4] | ||||
Legacy Console Edition | |||||
TU12 | CU1 | 1.0 | 1 Patch | 1.0.1 | 32px Iron golems have been added. |
1.91 | Iron Golems now spawn in cells next to Outposts. | ||||
A single Iron Golem is now always spawned as part of each village. | |||||
Panicked Villagers now have a higher chance to spawn Iron Golems. | |||||
New Nintendo 3DS Edition | |||||
0.1.0 | 32px Iron golems have been added. |
Issues related to "iron golem" remain in the trouble tracker. Report bugs you find on this page.

Robot from The Castle in the Sky ("Laputa: Castle in the Sky" in English)
- Los golems ofreciendole flores a los aldeanos es una referencia a los robots antiguos en la película animada de Miyazaki El castillo en el cielo.[5] When baby villagers notice the poppy in its hand, they slowly approach, and take the flower eventually.[2] Iron golems do not actually pick up poppies; they spawn them in their hands.
- Golems do not get on boats or wagons on their own, although in Bedrock Edition, pushing a wagon on rails towards an iron golem forces you into the wagon.
- It is possible for an enderman to summon an iron golem by placing a pumpkin on an iron block structure, completing the setup to summon it.
- The Iron Golem is an Avatar Item that can be purchased from the Xbox 360 Marketplace.
- Golems can attack looters (without weapons) and giants without taking any damage from either creature. Those are the only two creatures to have that distinction.
- It is impossible to generate a golem that holds a poppy using commands (such as the summon or data command). Its NBT matches that of a naturally generated golem (HandItems: [{id: "minecraft: poppy", Count: 1b}, {}]), but it is not updated visually.
A golem offering a poppy to a villager.
An iron golem offering a poppy to several baby villagers.
An iron golem attacking a spider by throwing it into the air.
An iron golem attacking the player.
Iron golems acting weird in a player-created village when attempting to pass through a two-block-high space.
In other networks
An iron golem in a piece of promotional art for the Horse Update.
An iron golem in a promotional art piece for Minecon 2015.
Iron golems in a piece of promotional art for the Village and Pillage Update.
Official art of iron golems.
Another official artwork from the iron golems.
Villager Spirit and Iron Golem from Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
"Lego Minecraft" Iron Man.
- ↑ MC-148955 Resolved as "Fixed"Plantilla:Verificar
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 Baby villagers do not accept poppies in Java Edition since the Village & Pillage update due to bug MC-159069.
- ↑ MCPE-74081
- ↑ MCPE-74428
- ↑ “@scambot Yes, thanks to @pgeuder who sent me inspirational pictures!” – @jonkagstrom, February 23, 2012
View at: Template: Entities / Content [edit] Preferred path blocks Cost of the Grass path blockSmooth Sandstone
0 RockStone
Stone bricks
Mossy rock
Nether Bricks
Nether Red Bricks
Stone Bricks of the End
Red sandstone
Tinted glass
Luminous stone
Emerald block
diamond block
Lapis Lazuil Block
Block of gold
Redstone block
Enameled terracotta
Blast furnace
Arrow table
Cartography table
Potion holder
Blacksmith table
Stone cutter
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