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    Progress This page is a work in progress.  Please help in the creation of this page by expanding or improving its content. The discussion page may contain suggestions. Progress The content of this article needs to be translated.  The present text is in another language and makes it difficult for readers to understand. You can help by translating it.
    Progress "

    The entire system is called "progress", guiding and tracking the progress of the players in the game (in survival vanilla and any additions customized by the creators of maps or mods). Most of the progress is literally just that - a progress in the game.

    Dinnerbone in and the progress system [1]
    Progress Progress

    The popup that appears when an advancement is completed.

    Progress Progress

    The popup that appears when a goal advancement is completed.

    Progress Progress

    The popup that appears when special challenge advancements are completed.

    Each filtering bag progress They are a way of gradually guiding new players into Minecraft and giving them challenges to complete, similar to the simpler achievement system in the Console Edition. And Pocket Edition.



    Advances can be completed in any game mode, and are earned and saved per world. Advances can also be granted (and revoked) using the / advancement command.

    Although the previews logically guide players through the game, they are independent of each other; An advance can be completed without having completed advancements "before" it.

    When you get a sneak peek, a sliding toast notification is also displayed in the upper right corner and a message will be displayed in the chat. The color of the header text in the notification depends on the progress; Normal, and goal teasers have yellowish heading text, while challenge teasers have pink heading text. Completing a normal advance will cause the header text to display "Advancement Made!", Completing a goal advance will result in a "Goal Reached!", And an advancement challenge will give "Challenge completed!".


    Progress Progress

    The advancements interface. One advancement ("Isn't It Iron Pick") is selected.

    The button to access the Advances screen is located on the pause menu screen. You can also open this screen by pressing L (this can be changed in the options menu).

    The advancement system involves several composite advancement trees, each tree starting with a root advancement and ending with goals or challenges. By clicking and dragging, you can see different branches of a progress tree. Each tree is classified in different tabs (which are, themselves, the advances). Currently there are five tabs in vanilla (although it is possible to add more [2] [3]):

    • Minecraft: The heart and history of the game.
    • Adventure: Adventure, exploration, and combat.
    • Nether: Bring summer clothes.
    • The end: Or the beginning?
    • Prosperity: The world is full of friends and food.

    Each tab has a different background with a repeating texture.

    The forward icons display a heading name and description when the mouse is hovered over it. They only appear in a tree when the advancement is complete, although, as stated before, advancements can be completed in any order.

    Advancement icon frames may vary in appearance based on difficulty, and whether or not it was completed. A legend is provided below:

    Icon Description
    Regular completed
    Progress Progress Normal advance.
    Progress Progress Advancement of goals.
    Progress Progress Advancement of challenges.

    Additional previews and tabs can be added and customized with the use of JSON files, as detailed below.

    Advance List


    Progress Progress

    Progress tree in the "Minecraft" tab

    Progress Minecraft
    Icon Progress In-game description Comes from Current requirements (if different) ID with namespace
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsMinecraft
    The heart and history of the game. Put a workbench in your inventory.minecraft:story/root
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsStone Age
    Mine stone with your new pickaxe MinecraftPlace rock in your inventory.minecraft:story/mine_stone
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsImproving tools
    Make a better pickaxe Stone AgePlace a stone pickaxe in your inventory.minecraft:story/upgrade_tools
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsThe Iron Age
    Melt an iron ingot Improving toolsPlace an iron ingot in your inventory.minecraft:story/smelt_iron
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsYou're driving
    Protect yourself with a piece of iron armor The Iron AgePlace any type of iron armor piece in your inventory.minecraft:story/obtain_armor
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsThe thing is on fire!
    Fill a bucket with lava The Iron AgePlace a lava cube in your inventory.minecraft:story/lava_bucket
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsIsn't it Hierronic?
    Upgrade your beak The Iron AgePlace an iron pickaxe in your inventoryminecraft:story/iron_tools
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsNot today, thanks
    Repel an arrow with a shield Suit UpDeflect a projectile with a shield.minecraft:story/deflect_arrow
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsIce Bucket Challenge
    Form and mine a block of Obsidian Hot StuffGet a block of obsidian in your inventory.minecraft:story/form_obsidian
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsDiamonds!
    Get diamonds Isn't it Hierronic?Keep a diamond in your inventory.minecraft:story/mine_diamond
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsMore ultra
    Build, light and enter a Nether Portal Ice Bucket ChallengeEnter the Nether dimension.minecraft:story/enter_the_nether
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsCover me with diamonds
    Diamond armor saves lives Diamonds!Get any type of diamond armor in your inventory.minecraft:story/shiny_gear
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsApprentice magician
    Enchant an item on an enchantment table Diamonds!minecraft:story/enchant_item
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsZombie logo
    Weaken and then cure a zombie villager More ultraThrow a splash potion of weakness at a zombie villager and give it a golden apple (by facing the zombie and pressing the use key with a golden apple in your hand).minecraft:story/cure_zombie_villager
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsSpy eye
    Follow an Ender Eye More ultraEnter a fortress.minecraft:story/follow_ender_eye
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsIt's over?
    Go through the End portal Spy eyeEnter the dimension of the End.minecraft:story/enter_the_end


    Progress Progress

    Advancement tree in the "Nether" tab

    15px Nether
    Icon Progress In-game description Comes from Current requirements (if different) ID with namespace Awards
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsNether
    Bring summer clothes. Enter the Nether.minecraft:nether/root
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsBlack hole
    Use the Nether to travel 7 km on the Surface NetherUse the Nether to travel between two points on the Surface separated by a minimum horizontal distance of 7000 blocks.minecraft:nether/fast_travel 100 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsA terrible fortress
    Break your way into a Nether Fortress NetherEnter a Nether fortress.minecraft:nether/find_fortress
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsReturn to Sender
    Destroy a ghast with a fireball NetherKill a ghast using a ghast fireball.minecraft:nether/return_to_sender 50 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsPlaying with fire
    Make a blaze drop his stick A terrible fortressPlace a blaze stick in your inventory.minecraft:nether/obtain_blaze_rod
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsSpooky Scary Skeleton
    Obtain a wither skeleton's skull A terrible fortressGet a wither skeleton skull in your inventory.minecraft:nether/get_wither_skull
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsFalse alliance
    Rescue a Ghast from the Nether, bring it safely home to the Overworld... and then kill it. Return to SenderKill a Ghast in the Overworld.minecraft:nether/uneasy_alliance 100 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsLocal distillery
    Create a potion Playing with firePick up a potion from a brewing stand potion slot. An already-created potion placed and removed qualifies.minecraft:nether/brew_potion
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsWithering Heights
    Summon the Wither By a headBe within a 100.9×100.9×103.5 cuboid centered on the Wither when it is spawned.minecraft:nether/summon_wither
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsExplosive mix
    Have every potion effect applied at the same time Local distilleryHave all of these 11 potion effects applied to you at the same time.minecraft:nether/all_potions 100 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsBring Home the Beacon
    Construct and place a Beacon Withering HeightsBe within a 20×20×14 cuboid centered on a beacon block when it realizes it has become powered.minecraft:nether/create_beacon
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsHow did we get here?
    Have every effect applied at the same time Explosive mixHave all of these 20 effects applied to you at the same time.minecraft:nether/all_effects 1,000 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsBeaconator
    Bring a beacon to full power Bring Home the BeaconBe within a 20×20×14 cuboid centered on a beacon block when it realizes it is being powered by a size 4 pyramid.minecraft:nether/create_full_beacon
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsMy treasure...
    Distract Piglins with gold NetherGive a piglin one of these 24 gold-related items in the #piglin_loved item tag, while not wearing any golden armor:
    • Bell
    • Block of Gold
    • Block of Raw Gold
    • Clock
    • Enchanted Golden Apple
    • Gilded Blackstone
    • Glistering Melon Slice
    • Gold Ingot
    • Gold Ore
    • Golden apple
    • Golden Ax
    • Golden Boots
    • Golden Carrot
    • Golden Chestplate
    • Golden Helmet
    • Golden Hoe
    • Golden Horse Armor
    • Golden Leggings
    • Golden Pickaxe
    • Golden Shovel
    • Golden sword
    • Light Weighted Pressure Plate
    • Nether Gold Ore
    • Deepslate Gold Ore
    • Raw Gold
    If this advancement is attempted while the player is wearing golden armor but piglin(s) are still aggressive toward them, the advancement does not trigger. Other gold-related items, if any, may be used, but are ignored for this advancement and by the piglin.

    The End

    Progress Progress

    Advancement tree in the "The End" tab


    16px The End
    Icon Progress In-game description Comes from Current requirements (if different) ID with namespace Awards
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsThe End
    Or the beginning? Enter the End dimension.minecraft:end/root
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsFree the End
    Good luck The EndKill the ender dragon.minecraft:end/kill_dragon
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsThe next generation
    Hold the Dragon Egg Free the EndGet the dragon egg in your inventory.minecraft:end/dragon_egg
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsEscape achieved
    Escape the island Free the EndThrow an ender pearl through or walk into an End gateway.minecraft:end/enter_end_gateway
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsThe End... Again...
    Respawn the ender dragon. Free the EndSummon an ender dragon using ender crystals.minecraft:end/respawn_dragon
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsYou Need a Mint
    Collect dragon's breath in a glass bottle. Free the EndGet a bottle of dragon's breath in your inventory.minecraft:end/dragon_breath
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsThe City at the End of the Game
    Go on in, what could happen? Escape achievedEnter an End city.minecraft:end/find_end_city
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsTo infinity and beyond!
    Find an Elytra The City at the End of the GameGet a pair of elytra in your inventory.minecraft:end/elytra
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsGood views from the top
    Levitate up 50 blocks from the attacks of a Shulker The City at the End of the GameHave the Levitation effect applied, and move a vertical distance of 50 blocks.minecraft:end/levitate 50 experience



    Progress Progress

    Advancement tree in the "Adventure" tab

    Template: Progress

    Progress Adventure
    Icon Progress In-game description Comes from Current requirements (if different) ID with namespace Awards
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsAdventure
    Adventure, exploration, and combat Kill any entity, or be killed by any entity.minecraft:adventure/root
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsWhat a Deal!
    Successfully trade with a Villager Adventureminecraft:adventure/trade
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsSweet dreams
    Change your respawn point AdventureSuccessfully sleep in a bed, either by sleeping till dawn, or, in the case of a multiplayer server, staying in bed for longer than five seconds.minecraft:adventure/sleep_in_bed
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsTake Aim
    Shoot something with a bow and arrow Monster HunterFire a bow so that the arrow strikes any entity.minecraft:adventure/shoot_arrow
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsMonsters Hunted
    Kill one of every hostile monster Monster HunterKill each of these 22 mobs. Other mobs may be killed, but are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:adventure/kill_all_mobs 100 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsAfter death
    Use a Totem of Undying to cheat death Monster Hunterminecraft:adventure/totem_of_undying
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsHired Help
    Summon an Iron Golem to help defend a village What a Deal!Summon an iron golem.minecraft:adventure/summon_iron_golem
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsAdventuring Time
    Discover every biome Sweet dreamsVisit these 36 biomes. Other biomes may also be visited, but are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:adventure/adventuring_time 500 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsSniper duel
    Kill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters Take AimUse a launched arrow to kill a skeleton from 50 or more blocks away, horizontally.minecraft:adventure/sniper_duel 50 experience


    Progress Progress

    Advancement tree in the "Husbandry" tab

    Progress Prosperity
    Icon Progress In-game description Comes from Current requirements (if different) ID with namespace Awards
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsProsperity
    The world is full of friends and food Eat anything that can be eaten.minecraft:husbandry/root
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsTortolitos
    Breed two animals together ProsperityBreed a pair of one of these 10 mobs. Other breedable mobs, if any, are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:husbandry/breed_an_animal
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsBest Friends Forever
    Tame an animal ProsperityTame one of the 5 types of mob that are tamable.minecraft:husbandry/tame_an_animal
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsA Seedy Place
    Plant a seed and watch it grow ProsperityPlant one of these 5 plants. Other plants are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:husbandry/plant_seed
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsIn pairs
    Breed all the animals! TortolitosBreed pairs of each of these 10 mobs. Other tamable mobs, if any, are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:husbandry/breed_all_animals 100 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsA Balanced Diet
    Eat everything that is edible, even if it's not good for you A Seedy PlaceEat each of these 35 foods. Other foods, if any, are ignored for the advancement.minecraft:husbandry/balanced_diet 100 experience
    Template loop detected: Template: AdvancementsSerious Dedication
    Completely use up a diamond hoe, and then reevaluate your life choices A Seedy PlaceUse up the final bit of durability on a diamond hoe, so that it breaks.minecraft:husbandry/break_diamond_hoe 100 experience

    JSON format

    Custom Advances In the 'data / advancements' Minecraft folder, the world stores the advancement data for that world as separate JSON files:

    These JSON files are structured according to the following format:

    • The root tag.
      •  display: The optional way to display it.
        •  icon: The icon information.
          •  item: The ID of the object.
          •  data: The damage value of the object.
        •  title: The title of the trailer.
        •  title: A component of the JSON format (contains text and formatting that is used in / tellraw and various other commands. You can also use the translation tag here).
        •  frame: The frame for the icon. challenge for a tile with a more sophisticated tip edge, as it is used to kill all creatures, goal a tile with a rounded edge as used for full lighthouse advancement, task for a normal title (default).
        •  background: The optional directory for the background when using in this preview tab (only for root preview).
        •  description: The description of the trailer.
        •  description: A component of the JSON format (contains text and formatting as used in / tellraw and various other commands).
        •  show_toast: It can be true or false, yes or no to show the notification after completing this advance. The predetermined value is true.
        •  announce_to_chat: Can be true or false. If it is activated or not, announce in the chat when this advance has been completed. The predetermined value is true.
        •  hidden: Can be true or false. Whether or not to hide this advancement and all its children from the advancement screen until this advancement have been completed. Has no effect on root advancements them self but will still affect all their children. Defaults to false.
      •  parent: The optional parent advancement directory of this advancement (does not apply for the root advancement).
      •  criteria: The required criteria that have to be met.
        •  : A name given to the criteria (can be any string, must be unique).
          •  trigger: The trigger for this advancement; specifies what the game should check for the advancement.
          •  conditions: All the conditions that need to be met when the trigger gets activated.
      •  requirements: An optional list of requirements (all the ). If all criteria are required, this may be omitted. With multiple criteria: requirements contains a list of lists with criteria (all criteria need to be mentioned). If all of the lists each have any criteria met, it will complete the advancement. (basically AND grouping of OR groups)
      •  rewards: An optional collection of the rewards provided when this advancement is obtained.
        •  recipes: A list of crafting recipes (strings).
        •  loot: A list of loot tables (strings).
        •  experience: A quantity of experience.
        •  function: A function to run. Functions are text files with the file extension .mcfunction in .minecraftsavesXXXXdatafunctions and can contain a list of commands to run in order.

    Triggers list


    Triggers after the player breeds 2 animals. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  child: The child that results from the breeding.
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  parent: The parent.
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  partner: The partner (the entity the parent was bred with, useful for checking horses + donkey = mule breeding)
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:bred_animals", "conditions": { "child": { "type": "mule" }, "parent": { "location": { "biome": "beaches" } }, "partner": { "effects": { "minecraft:speed": { "amplifier": { "min": 2 } } } } } } } }


    Triggers after the player takes a potion out of a brewing stand. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  potion: A brewed potion ID.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:brewed_potion", "conditions": { "potion": "minecraft:strong_swiftness" } } } }


    Triggers after the player travels between two dimensions. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  from: The dimension the entity traveled from. Accepts these 3 values.
      •  to: The dimension the entity traveled to. Same accepted values as above.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:changed_dimension", "conditions": { "from": "the_end", "to": "overworld" } } } }


    Triggers after the player changes the structure of a beacon. (When the beacon updates itself). Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  level: The tier of the updated beacon structure.
      •  level:
        •  max: The maximum value.
        •  min: The minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:construct_beacon", "conditions": { "level": { "min": 3 } } } } }


    Triggers when the player consumes an item. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      •  item: The item that was consumed
        • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:consume_item", "conditions": { "item": { "item": "minecraft:golden_apple", "data": 1, "nbt": "{display:{Name:"Example"}}" } } } } }


    Triggers when the player cures a zombie villager. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  villager: The villager that is the result of the conversion. The 'type' tag is redundant since it will always be "villager".
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  zombie: The zombie villager right before the conversion is complete (not when it is initiated). The 'type' tag is redundant since it will always be "zombie_villager".
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:cured_zombie_villager", "conditions": { "villager": { "location": { "biome": "plains" } }, "zombie": { "distance": { "horizontal": { "max": 10 } } } } } } }


    Triggers after the player gets a status effect applied or taken from them. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  effects: A list of status effects the player has.
        •  : A status effect with the key name being the status effect name.
          •  amplifier: The effect amplifier.
          •  amplifier:
            •  max: The maximum value.
            •  min: The minimum value.
          •  duration: The effect duration in ticks.
          •  duration:
            •  max: The maximum value.
            •  min: The minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:effects_changed", "conditions": { "effects": { "minecraft:weakness": {}, "minecraft:slowness": { "amplifier": 2, "duration": { "min": 100, "max": 500 } } } } } } }


    Triggers after the player enchants an item through an enchanting table (does not get triggered through an anvil, or through commands). Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  item: The item after it has been enchanted.
        • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  levels: The levels spent by the player on the enchantment.
      •  levels:
        •  max: The maximum value.
        •  min: The minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:enchanted_item", "conditions": { "item": { "item": "minecraft:wooden_sword", "enchantments": [ { "enchantment": "minecraft:sharpness", "levels": { "min": 2 } } ] }, "levels": { "min": 3 } } } } }


    Triggers when the player stands in a block. Checks every tick and will try to trigger for each successful match (up to 8 times, the maximum amount of blocks a player can stand in), which only works if the advancement is revoked from within the advancement using a function reward. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  block: The block that the player is standing in. Accepts block IDs.
      •  state: The block states of the block.
        •  : A single block state, with the key name being the state name and the value being the required value of that state.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:enter_block", "conditions": { "block": "minecraft:red_flower", "state": { "type": "allium" } } } } }


    Triggers when a player is injured. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      •  damage: Checks the damage done to the player.
        • Damage labels See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:entity_hurt_player", "conditions": { "damage": { "source_entity": { "type": "skeleton" }, "direct_entity": { "type": "arrow" }, "taken": { "min": 4.0 } } } } } }


    Triggers after an entity kills a player. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  entity: Checks the entity that was the source of the damage that killed the player (for example: The skeleton that shot the arrow).
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  killing_blow: Checks the type of damage that killed the player.
        • Plantilla:Nbt inherit/conditions/damage type

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:entity_killed_player", "conditions": { "entity": { "type": "skeleton" }, "killing_blow": { "is_projectile": true } } } } }


    Triggers only using commands.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:impossible" } } }


    Triggers when any change is made to the player's inventory. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      •  items: A list of items in the player's inventory. All items in the list must be in the player's inventory, but not all items in the player's inventory have to be in this list.
        • :
          • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  slots:
        •  empty: The amount of slots empty in the inventory.
        •  empty:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  full: The amount of slots completely filled (stacksize) in the inventory.
        •  full:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  occupied: The amount of slots occupied in the inventory.
        •  occupied:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:inventory_changed", "conditions": { "items": [ { "item": "minecraft:stone", "data": 2, "count": { "min": 5, "max": 10 } }, { "item": "minecraft:wool", "data": 5 }, { "item": "minecraft:wooden_sword", "durability": { "min": 50 }, "nbt": "{display:{Name:"Example"}}" } ], "slots": { "occupied": 3 } } } } }


    Triggers after any item in the inventory has been damaged in any form. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  delta: The difference in durability.
      •  delta:
        •  max: The maximum value.
        •  min: The minimum value.
      •  durability: The remaining durability of the item.
      •  durability:
        •  max: The maximum value.
        •  min: The minimum value.
      •  item: The item before it was damaged, allows you to check the durability before the item was damaged.
        • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:item_durability_changed", "conditions": { "delta": -2, "item": { "item": "minecraft:wooden_axe", "durability": { "max": 1 } } } } } }


    Triggers when the player has the levitation status effect. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  distance:
        •  absolute:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  horizontal:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  x:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  y:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  z:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
      •  duration: The duration of the levitation in ticks.
      •  duration:
        •  max: The maximum value.
        •  min: The minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:levitation", "conditions": { "distance": { "horizontal": { "min": 5 }, "y": { "min": 2 } }, "duration": { "min": 100 } } } } }


    Triggers every 20 ticks (1 second) and checks where the player is. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      • Common tags everywhere See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / location / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:location", "conditions": { "biome": "jungle", "feature": "Temple", "dimension": "overworld", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 60, "z": { "min": -10, "max": 10 } } } } } }


    Triggers when the player travels to the Nether and then returns to the Overworld. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  distance: The Overworld distance between where the player entered the Nether and where the played exited the Nether.
        •  absolute:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  horizontal:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  x:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  y:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.
        •  z:
          •  max: The maximum value.
          •  min: The minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:nether_travel", "conditions": { "distance": { "horizontal": { "min": 1000 }, "absolute": { "min": 1100 } } } } } }


    Triggers when the player placed a block. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      •  block: The block that was placed. Accepts block IDs.
      •  item: The item that was used to place the block before the item was consumed.
        • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  location: The location of the block that was placed.
        • Common tags everywhere See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / location / template
      •  state: The block states of the block.
        •  : A single block state, with the key name being the state name and the value being the required value of that state.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:placed_block", "conditions": { "block": "minecraft:unpowered_repeater", "state": { "facing": "west" }, "location": { "x": 10, "z": 14, "biome": "plains" }, "item": { "item": "minecraft:repeater" } } } } }


    Triggers after the player hurts a mob or player. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  damage: The damage that was dealt
        • Damage labels See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:player_hurt_entity", "conditions": { "damage": { "blocked": true, "direct_entity": { "type": "arrow" } }, "entity": { "type": "player", "nbt": "{Tags:["example"]}" } } } } }


    Triggers after a player is the source of a mob or player being killed. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  entity: The entity that was killed.
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  killing_blow: The type of damage that killed an entity.
        • Plantilla:Nbt inherit/conditions/damage type

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:player_killed_entity", "conditions": { "entity": { "type": "creeper", "nbt": "{powered:1b}", "location": { "biome": "void" }, "effects": { "minecraft:slowness": {}, "minecraft:weakness": { "amplifier": { "min": 2 } } } }, "killing_blow": { "source_entity": { "nbt": "{SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:wooden_sword",}}" } } } } } }


    Triggers after the player unlocks a recipe (using a knowledge book for example). Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  recipe: The recipe that was unlocked.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:recipe_unlocked", "conditions": { "recipe": "minecraft:wooden_sword" } } } }


    Triggers when the player enters a bed. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      • Common tags everywhere See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / location / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:slept_in_bed", "conditions": { "location": { "biome": "desert", "feature": "Village", "position": { "y": { "min": 50, "max": 100 } } } } } } }


    Triggers after an entity has been summoned. Works with iron golems (pumpkin and iron blocks), snow golems (pumpkin and snow blocks), the ender dragon (ender crystals) and the wither (wither skulls and soul sand). Using dispensers to place the wither skulls or pumpkins will still activate this trigger. Spawn eggs, commands and mob spawners will not work however. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  entities:
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:summoned_entity", "conditions": { "entity": { "type": "minecraft:snowman" } } } } }

    minecraft: tame_animal

    Triggers after the player tames an animal. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      •  entity: Checks the entity that was tamed.
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:tame_animal", "conditions": { "entity": { "type": "parrot", "nbt": "{Variant:2}" } } } } }


    Triggers every tick (20 times a second).

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:tick" } } }


    Triggers when the player uses an eye of ender (in a world where strongholds generate). Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  distance: The horizontal distance between the player and the stronghold.
      •  distance:
        •  max: A maximum value.
        •  min: A minimum value.

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:used_ender_eye", "conditions": { "distance": { "min": 100, "max": 200 } } } } }


    Triggers when the players uses a totem. Available conditions:

    •  conditions:
      •  item: The item, only works with totem items.
        • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:used_totem", "conditions": { "item": { "item": "minecraft:totem_of_undying" } } } } }


    Triggers after the player trades with a villager. Condiciones disponibles:

    •  conditions:
      •  item: The item that was purchased. The "count" tag checks the count from one trade, not multiple.
        • Common labels in all objects See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template
      •  villager: The villager the item was purchased from. The 'type' tag is redundant since it will always be "villager".
        • Common labels in all entities See Template: Nbt inherit / conditions / entity / template

    An example

    { "criteria": { "example": { "trigger": "minecraft:villager_trade", "conditions": { "item": { "item": "minecraft:emerald", "count": { "min": 1 } }, "villager": { "nbt": "{Career:1}" } } } } }


    Java Edition
    1.12February 16, 2017Dinnerbone tweets that he spent an entire day designing "something new" with Darngeek.
    February 20, 2017The design of the "something" is already done and ready to be implemented; he later hints at the feature's name. [4]
    February 22, 2017He states that he is "advancing" on the feature; "So. Many. Json. Files." he adds.
    Later that day he states that the project is growing bigger, and that he may need a command "even more complicated than /scoreboard"
    March 6, 2017The backend of the mysterious feature is finished, but the UI needs work, he tweets.
    "I made a tabthulhu today," he later adds,[5] indicating this feature may use a large number of tabs.
    March 13, 2017He again references the name of the feature in a tweet, stating that he is almost done with "this new feature advancement".
    March 14, 2017He tweets that the UI is now working, and that the project took many days and a few research papers to accomplish.
    March 22, 2017The feature now "awards players with things", he states while making another reference to the feature name.
    March 23, 2017Dinnerbone states that the feature requires around 500 JSON files.
    He later tweets a teaser of what the feature holds,[6] though it is hidden behind an encrypted .zip file disguised as a .png image, which he clarifies in later tweets.[7][8][9] This .zip file contains custom recipe JSON files.
    He posts another encrypted .zip file soon afterwards, containing a few more recipes.[10]
    March 24, 2017"A deafening metallic condor keeps distracting me", Dinnerbone states. Users quickly pinpointed this bizarre message to this Gfycat URL officially showcasing advancements for the first time.
    He reveals that the UI can have several tabs with advancement trees that are themselves advancements.[2] He clarifies that that's what he meant by "tabthulhu."[11]
    All of the UI is data-driven, including positioning and layout, with no hardcoded data or positions.[12]
    17w13aAdvancements added.
    17w14aAdded new advancements, including a new "adventure" tab.
    Added new notifications for when players advance, which have a sliding effect, and come in two colors: yellow for normal advancements, and pink for special challenges.
    17w15aAdded advancement descriptions and changed several titles.
    Added the "Adventuring Time" advancement.
    17in16bAdded trigger minecraft:item_durability_changed.
    17w17aAdded new advancements and two new tabs: "The End" and "Nether"
    Added trigger levitation.
    Added feature condition to the location trigger.
    Advancements can now execute commands when achieved.
    Advancement icons now allow data values.
    Added five modifiers to the /advancement grant and /advancement revoke commands: "everything", "from", "until", "through", and "only".
    17in17bThe default advancements now all receive their titles and descriptions from the localization files.
    Added a new number display to track progress while completing certain advancements
    Added the changed_dimension trigger, which takes two optional conditions: to and from, both being strings that accept "overworld", "the_nether", or "the_end".
    The "location" shared object has a new dimension string (same values as above).
    17w18aRe-introduced announcements to chat when someone earns an advancement
    Added new Adventure advancements: "Best Friends Forever", "Tortolitos", and "De dos en dos"
    Added new minecraft:tick and minecraft:tame_animal triggers
    Added new show_toast and announce_to_chat display options
    Added /gamerule announceAdvancements, which toggles announcing of advancements, replacing the old entry
    "entity" objects and the minecraft:levitation trigger now use a shared "distance" object. They check if the player is within or outside of the specified range on the x, y, or z axis. absolute and horizontal ranges check if the player is within range on all axes, though horizontal will exclude the Y axis.
    It will now take 50 vertical blocks to get the "Good Views from Above" progress, instead of levitation for 30 seconds
    Changed the "Sniper Duel" advancement to horizontal distance
    Advancement loading is now strict JSON
    17in18bAdded a new "Husbandry" tab and several new advancements: "A Seedy Place", "Serious Dedication", "A Balanced Diet", and "Hired Help".
    The advancements added in the previous snapshot were moved to the new Husbandry tab.
    Added new advancement triggers: consume_item, placed_block, and arbitrary_player_tick.
    The "Monster Hunter" and "Monsters Hunted" advancements now use 22 mobs instead of 23, removing the illusioner from the list.
    pre1New progress has been added: "Explosive Mix", "Post mortem", "Black Hole" and "False Alliance".
    Added hidden field to advancement display info, which defaults to false.
    Added new effects_changed, used_totem, and nether_travel advancements triggers.
    Removed commands from advancement rewards, replaced with function.
    Advancement trees are now centered in the UI.
    Items and entities in advancements now have an extra NBT field.
    Entities in advancements now have an extra effects and location field.
    Removed arbitrary_player_tick advancement trigger.
    pre2A new hidden progress has been added: "How did we get here?" Earning you 100 XP.
    pre3The progress "How did we get here?" now includes status effect Resistance and gives you 1000 EXP points.
    Advancement "Balanced Diet" now includes all fish types (raw and cooked if possible) and an Enchanted Golden Apple.
    Advancements will now remember the tab the player last selected.
    pre5All recipe unlock advancements now have a parent of minecraft:recipes/root.
    Several recipe unlock advancements were renamed.
    pre7Added experience rewards to all "challenge" advancements.
    releaseAdded sounds to the toast notifications.


    Issues related to "progress" remain in the issue tracker. Report bugs you find on this page.


    • Seventeen of the old Java Edition achievements were re-implemented as advancements: Benchmarking (called Minecraft), Time to Mine! (called Stone Age), Mejorando herramientas, Acquire Hardware, Plus ultra, The End?, The End. (called Free the End), Return to Sender, Into Fire, Local Brewery, The Beginning? (called Withering Heights), Beaconator, DIAMONDS! (called Diamonds!), Enchanter, Adventuring Time, Monster Hunter and Sniper Duel.
    • Six achievements from other editions were re-implemented as advancements: Body Guard (called Hired Help), Cheating Death (called Post mortem), Zombie Doctor, You Need a Mint, The End... Again... y Buenas vistas desde lo alto


    • Progress

      First look at advancements; Dinnerbone showcasing usage of the interface. (Click to play.)

    • Progress


    See also

    • Tutorials/Advancement guide


    2. ↑ 2,0 2,1 “The tabs are alternative trees that are also previews. We support a lot, but we will use 4/5 in vanilla. ”- @Dinnerbone, March 24, 2017
    3. ↑ “4 or 5 tabs. Probably: "mine and elaboration", "hell", "end", "combat", "engineering" and others. " - @Dinnerbone, March 27, 2017
    4. ↑ “Getting this implemented in a nice way would be a real advancement for the game.” – @Dinnerbone, February 20, 2017
    5. ↑ “I made a tabthulhu at work today. This is an interesting project!” – @Dinnerbone, March 06, 2017
    6. ↑ “This is a super big spoiler of what I'm working on. Totally unfinished and may change a lot, but gives you an idea.” – @Dinnerbone, March 23, 2017
    7. ↑ “(No I'm not adding emoji.)” – @Dinnerbone, March 23, 2017
    8. ↑ “(P.s. there was more to that picture than meets the eye. May need a bit of trickery.)” – @Dinnerbone, March 23, 2017
    9. ↑ “Did the filesize seem a bit big?” – @Dinnerbone, March 23, 2017
    10. ↑ “Okay so I think my webserver proxy messed that up. Technology is difficult. Here's a more fun image, in a zip: http:// 3/screenshots/” – @Dinnerbone, March 23, 2017
    11. ↑ “(Thus "tabthulu" tweets from a few weeks back. :D)” – @Dinnerbone, March 24, 2017
    12. ↑ “Also worth noting: all of that UI is data driven. Positioning and layout included. No hardcoded data in UI, no hardcoded positions in data.” – @Dinnerbone, March 24, 2017


    View at: Template: Gameplay / Content [edit]

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